Latymer Prep School

Prep celebrates Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Prep celebrates Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Activities & Events Music


Latymer Prep pupils and staff celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a special Enrichment Week of fun, music and special-designed activities. 

The pupils have had a busy week learning all about Queen Elizabeth II, her life and reign, beginning with a whole school assembly on Monday. Each class then looked at key events in each of seven decades and studied other aspects of Her Majesty’s reign from exploring royal residences to making the crown jewels as well as studying the music and culture that marked each decade.

Parents were invited in for a special Jubilee-themed afternoon tea and got to see the children perform the music they’d been learning from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s and 2010s. Parents clapped and sang along as pupils sang 'Rock around the Clock', 'Hey Jude', an Abba medley to ‘Reach for the Stars’, ‘Happy’ and many more. A year 4 pupil had also written a special Jubilee song, which pupils, staff and parents all sang together. Parents also got to enjoy the Jubilee fairy cakes and biscuits that the children had baked in the new Food Tech kitchens with Mrs Scaffardi.  

The Prep Garden looked resplendent adorned with Jubilee bunting and the children’s artwork which they'd been working on during the week celebrating her Majesty's 70 years on the throne. 

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