Latymer Prep School

Keeping Children Safe


Educating our children on how to look after themselves and make good choices in both the material and the digital world is vitally important.

As parents would expect, we have a comprehensive e-safety policy in place as well as providing children with lessons on safe searching on the web and the dangers of linking up with strangers on the internet.

This precautionary approach recognises the child’s likely access to computers and iPads outside the school; within the school, of course, a secure screening filter ensures that the children are not exposed to inappropriate material. To support families faced with possible out-of-school access to undesirable websites and social media, we offer parents an annual update in an evening course on e-safety.

More prosaically, perhaps, we ensure that our children are safe on the roads of London when on their bikes by providing a cycling proficiency course in Year 6.

In addition, the local police address Y6 pupils about safety on the streets of London, and how to seek help or raise the alarm.

Training of all teaching and support staff in identifying and reporting child protection –as well as emphasising a duty of care - takes place on an annual basis.

The Schools’ Child Protection policy